World Wellbeing Week - 5 ways to protect your wellbeing
This week is the fourth annual 'World Wellbeing Week' - a week that gives the us the chance to celebrate wellbeing. Everything from social, physical, emotional, financial, professional, community, and environmental wellbeing. Wellbeing has never been so important to our lives and livelihoods.

The last couple of years have shown us how well we can adapt and change, and just how important taking care of our own wellbeing is. Many businesses have also realised just how important the wellbeing of their staff is and have practices in place to help.
World wellbeing week acts as a reminder that without our health we are unable to perform the jobs that we’re hired to do.
Wellbeing starts with us - here are five simple things that you can do today to protect your own wellbeing;
1. Get outdoors and move - fresh air and exercise are two of the best tonics you can get. Find ways to get your body moving more - walk or cycle to work, take a walk in a nearby park in your lunch break, meet a friend for a walk outdoors at the weekend. The grounding powers of being out in nature work wonders on de-stressing, boosting your mood and reducing anxiety.
2. Find a hobby - having something fun that you enjoy doing is a wonderful way to unwind. Whether that be knitting, dancing, painting, singing in a choir, playing a sport - whatever makes you feel good!

3. Reach out - loneliness really is a killer, as many of us discovered through the pandemic. Spending time in the company of friends and families can have a huge impact on our wellbeing.
4. Practice mindfulness - mindfulness teaches us to live in the moment, instead of dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. Start by practising square breathing {in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4}, try some online meditations or find a local or online yoga class to join.

5. Laugh - laughter really is the best medicine and it releases feel good chemicals throughout the body. Meet up with a friend that you can have a giggle with or watch a funny movie.