Celebrating International Women's Day 2022

International Women’s Day is a worldwide event that celebrates women’s achievements - from the political to the economic, and the social - alongside calling for gender equality. IWD has been celebrated since the early 1900s and is now recognised each year on March 8th.
international women's day, #breakthebias, gender equality, the corinne taylor wellness blog
It is a day to hold up the women who are doing amazing things - both big and small. Those who are holding families together, those who are breaking down barriers, those who are uplifting others, those who are heading up businesses and charitable initiatives, those who are showing that women are strong and powerful, loving and caring, innovative and enterprising.
A hundred years after the event began, the original aim – to achieve full gender equality for women the world – has not been realised. There is still a gender pay gap, we are still lacking in female leaders, there is continued violence against women and girls, and women still fall behind men in terms of education and healthcare. 
This year, the theme of IWD is #breakthebias - calling us to imagine a gender equal world - one free from bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. Collectively we can break the bias across our schools, workplaces, and communities. We have to be the change that we wish to see.
Here are six ways to get involved with International Women's Day 2022
1. Support female fun businesses and charities
Put your money where your mouth is and choose to invest your money in female-owned businesses. Rather than shopping with huge corporations - try shopping locally or online with female-owned businesses, or donate to charities who are fighting for gender inequality such as Catalyst, Womankind Worldwide and Equality Now {find out more about IWD charities here}
2. Start conversations with feminist books, films, and podcasts
Understanding the challenges faced by women around the world is an important first step in advocating for gender equality. Choose books and films that focus on women’s issues, empowerment, and achievements. You could even get together with a group of friends to discuss them. These are four great books to get your started -
Educated, by Tara Westover
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown
We Should All Be Feminists, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Untamed by Glennon Doyle 
    3. Take part in an IWD Event
    There are events happening all over the country - from free self-defence classes, an International Women's Day Bike Ride, and a whole host of online webinars. You can search for events near you on the IWD website.
    4. Advocate for gender equality in your workplace 
    It is essential that businesses create inclusive working environments. Take a look at your company's policies and see if they are ensuring that women are receiving fair and equitable support. Focus on policies relating to topics such as parental leave, flexible working, advancement of women in leadership, and mentorship/coaching opportunities for women. 
    5. #breakthebias and show your support on social media
    A simple, but effective way to help spread the word, is to share about IWD on socials. Share resources, book recommendations and info about events. Strike the IWD 2022 pose of crossed arms and share your #BreakTheBias image using #IWD2022 #BreakTheBias to encourage others to commit to helping forge an inclusive world.
    6. Acknowledge the amazing women in your life
    Sometimes, simple words of encouragement and love can go a long way in lifting someone up and inspiring. Whether it’s your mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, girlfriend, colleague or friend – send a text, call or message an important woman in your life to let them know how amazing they are.
    happy international womens day, equality, rights, community 

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