How to use lockdown to your full advantage

Lockdown has been an overwhelming time for us all, however, there are ways that it can be used to your advantage. Here are 5 ways that you can flip your lockdown experience. 
Create a sacred space within your home 
Now that we’re all spending so much time at home, it’s important that we feel happy and comfortable within our surroundings. Why not use this time to create a space within your home that allows you to relax. It can be your cozy nook, one that you can retreat to when you need some time to gather your thoughts. If you’re not able to create an actual space, maybe you could gather some items instead which you know bring you comfort. This could be a blanket, hot water bottle, cup of tea, or even a book. Maybe you could sit with your crystals, or burn a your favourite candle while listening to a podcast! It’s whatever works for you. 
If we’re going to be spending the majority of our time within our homes, creating a positive environment is key.
Get to know yourself 
Although lockdown can send us into a spiral of doom and gloom, it also offers the opportunity for us to get to know ourselves on a deeper level. 
Imagine if we started to view lockdown as something that was happening for us and not to us. Imagine how different our experience of this could be. 
Challenge yourself to use this difficult time to really connect with who you are and to reevaluate what you want and how you're going to get it. How do you want to grow through this lockdown and what could you do that would take you closer towards your goals? Life is so fast-paced that we barely have a moment to think. It's only now that we've been given all of this spare time to really slow down and to take a look at our own lives. 
Use lockdown as an opportunity to nurture your wellbeing and to become closer to who you are within. 
Get healthy
As mundane as lockdown may feel, don't let that feeling influence a boring diet! Use this free time to explore new recipes and to nurture your body like you never have before. Find the foods that make you feel your very best and make a commitment to your body that you're going to treat it with extra care. 
The body is so much smarter than we give it credit for, so listen in closely to see what it's telling you. What does it need? 
There are so many yummy foods out there, so why not treat your body and fill it with tasty goodness? 
Create a mindful routine 
 I think we can all agree that during this pandemic, it's been very easy to lose ourselves in the blur of time. All the days seem to merge into one and routine can be easily lost. This is where it's important for us to take a step back and to ask ourselves what we actually need in order to function as our very best selves. 
What kind of mindful routine would help you to find your flow again?
This could be getting up early and doing some exercise or maybe going on a walk in the fresh air before you start work. Having a routine can help us to feel in control while allowing us to really thrive every day. 
De-clutter your home
If you're surrounded by clutter, that's most likely going to influence how your feeling within and not in a good way either. Use this time to have a good old clear out! Get rid of all the unnecessary things that you know you don't need or clear them away into a tidy space. 
Make your home an area where you're able to relax without the stress of mess. Living in a tidy environment can free up so much space in your mind, helping you to feel calmer and to think a lot clearer. 
So what do you think? We'd love to hear if you're going to give any of these a try or if you've got any techniques of your own! 
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