Simple activities to celebrate Earth Day
April 22nd is Earth Day - an annual event that has been celebrated since 1970 in order to highlight the serious environmental problems that we are facing, from the climate crisis to air pollution and deforestation.
The theme of this year’s event is 'Restore Our Earth', and while we think every day should be Earth Day, today is a perfect time to show our appreciation for our planet.
Caring for the Earth begins at home, with many small, simple steps that are easily undertaken. Use today to make a few changes which can be continued, and talk with children about why it is so important for us to take better care of the Earth.
Single use plastics are a huge cause of concern for the environment. From the resources needed to make them, to the fact they take up to 450 years to decompose. They create a huge amount of waste every single day, yet the majority of them are easily replaced.
Why not make a few swaps today? You could switch plastic carrier bags for reusable cotton totes, plastic straws can be replaced with bamboo or stainless steel straws. Use a metal water bottle that can be refilled time and time again. Look for fruit and veg that is loose rather packaged on plastic trays, and look for products with plastic free refill options so you can reuse your containers.
Cars are a big contributor to rising pollution levels. Having a car free day is a simple way to help lower emissions. You could even make it a weekly event! Instead of getting in your car you could use the bus or train, scoot, rollerblade, cycle or even just walk! Another option is to arrange a car share for regular journeys, so you are cutting down how many cars are on the road.
Deforestation is a huge concern, so Earth Day activities such as tree planting can benefit the environment for years to come. Trees store carbon within them, meaning they are a natural solution to help climate change. You could plant some trees in your garden if you have space or look for a local project to get involved with.
Did you know that we plant a tree for every product we sell? You can find out more about our Buy a product - Plant a tree campaign here
If you look around when you go for a walk, you are bound to see litter lying alongside the paths and roads. Littering is a growing problem, to why not help restore your local area by organising a litter pick?
Whether you do it as a family group, or organise a litter pick in your community, it's a great way to contribute to Earth Day efforts and teach children why we shouldn’t litter.
No matter how green fingered you are, or how much garden space you have, everyone can manage to grow their own. It is a wonderful way to lower your environmental footprint, and an activity that all the family can get involved in.
Herbs can be grown on your kitchen windowsill, tomatoes and beans are happy in planters, and potatoes can easily be grown in a sack or an old bin. Children love seeing a seed grow into a plant that bares fruit - and it's a wonderful way to encourage fussy eaters to try new foods!
Looking after our wildlife is vital, and you can start at home by building a bird feeder for your garden. Whether you buy a DIY kit or make one from the contents of your recycling box, feeding your feathered friends is a great Earth Day activity.
The best way to nurture a love of our Earth is to get out there and enjoy it. Take a walk today in your favourite nature spot - be it by the coast, the river or in a park. Look at the trees and plants and see how many you can identify. Listen for the birdsong and keep an eye open for any wildlife you may spot on your walk.