Cultivating Self Care through the Autumn season
With the Autumn Equinox this week, the seasons have changed and Summer is officially behind us. As the days get shorter, and the weather cooler, it can take a little adjusting to this time of the year.

It's easy to feel more sluggish as we move into Autumn, colder days and less hours of daylight aren't always conductive to us feeling our best. Now is the time to put some self-care practices into action to keep yourself feeling your best.
Get outdoors
As the days get shorter, we often find ourselves spending more and more time inside. Making sure you get outdoors every day can have a huge impact on your wellbeing. Phsyical exercise is as important as ever, and soaking up some Vitamin D willl keep your mental health in tip top shape. Try taking a walk on your lunch break to fit it in during daylight hours.
Get nesting
After a busy summer, your home might be feeling a little neglected. Take a day to declutter and make your home a cosy spot ready for Autumn. Decluttering has a calming effect on your mental health. Creating a cosy atmosphere, stringing fairy lights up, buying some candles, adding some cosy throws, all can make your home a welcoming place to spend those Autumn evenings.
Embrace Seasonal Food
Most of us find it easier to eat healthily through the summer, cold weather often leaves us craving comfort food. Being mindful about the foods that you choose can make a big difference. Porridge and fruit are fantastic for breakfast, incorporating cooked grains into a salad to warm it up, and use seasonal veg like carrots, pumpkins, and beetroot in stews and casseroles.

Take time to pamper yourself
While you might be wrapped up in jeans and cosy jumpers instead of a bikini, there is no reason to not still pamper yourself. Use body scrubs to keep your skin soft and smooth, body oils to prevent your skin drying out, and a face mask to keep that summer glow.
Take time to reflect
September is a great time of year to check in with yourself. Look back over the year so far, any goals you set and plans you made. Ask yourself what you want to get out of the remainder of the year, reassess your goals and check that you are going in the direction you want.

Plan something fun
The fun doesn't need to be over just because summer is. Plan in some Autumn adventures, whether it's a weekend away, a day trip to the coast, a dinner party with friends, or a trip to the cinema with your partner. Having fun activities planned to look forward to can help you get through the working week.