Staying calm amongst the chaos
We are in truly unique times. Life as we know it has changed in a very short space of time, and has left a feeling of uncertainty and fear. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious in our current situation, but by bringing in a few simple practises we can greatly improve our mood and feel more centred and calm amongst the chaos we are currently in.
Stay active
Moving our bodies and keeping up an exercise routine is vital for keeping our bodies strong and healthy. However, it also has a profound effect on our mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in the brain that make us feel good. Not only that, regular exercise is a way of taking your mind off things, as well as bringing in some routine to your life.
Whilst gyms and yoga studios are now closed, many are now offering online classes, meaning you can login and take the class in the comfort of your own home. There are also lots of options for home workouts on Youtube which you can access for free. Getting out for a walk, run or bike ride is another great option, especially in the lovely Spring weather. However only do this if you live in an area where you can safely social distance from others.
Eat a healthy diet
Eating a healthy balanced diet not only helps us physically, it also has a profound effect on our mood and wellbeing. Eating regularly is also important as it keeps your blood sugar stable,
If it drops you might feel tired or irritable.
A few things to remember:
- Be sure you eat your five a day, including a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables.
- Be mindful of stimulants like coffee and sugar as they can give you a quick burst of energy, but then may cause a crash, leaving you feeling anxious or disturbing your sleep.
- Include immune boosting foods in your diet such as ginger, garlic and berries.
- Keep your gut healthy by eating probiotic rich foods as well as plenty of fibre, as studies have shown how good gut health affects our general mood and wellbeing.
- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This will help you to think more clearly and detox toxins in the body, helping overall mental health.
Stay connected
Self isolation is a difficult concept for many of us when we are so used to our daily interactions with friends, family and colleagues. However modern technology allows us many fantastic ways of staying connected with our loved ones and we have so many options such as Skype, Watsapp, Facetime and the good old telephone!
Make sure you take time every day to check in with your loved ones. Wherever you can, assist people in your life who may be more vulnerable (for example, those with no access to the internet or who cannot easily use the internet to shop online).
Pamper yourself
Taking some time to really treat and nourish yourself is an important self care practise, especially during challenging times. Put your favourite music on and paint your nails or put on a face mask. Try a relaxing bath with candles and bath salts.

Practise mindfulness
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present and aware of where we are and what we’re doing. By taking time each day to keep your awareness focused on what we are doing in the present moment, we bring in more peace and calm, and we take our minds away from worrying. You could also try a simple mindfulness meditation by sitting for a few minutes and focusing on your breath. This will help calm the nervous system, allowing you to think more clearly and stay relaxed. If you would like to go deeper with meditation and mindfulness there are plenty of online resources and courses available.
Refresh your space
During this time we will be spending more time in our homes than ever before, with many people working from home for the first time or home schooling children. Keeping your space clean and fresh has a massive effect on our mood and mindset. A cluttered and messy space can often represent how we are feeling inside. By creating a clean, peaceful environment we can help ourselves relax and calm our minds.
- Take a bit of time each day to clean your space. If you have extra time during this self isolation period why not do some spring cleaning and extra decluttering. If your children are home why not get them involved!
- Open windows regularly to allow fresh air to flow through your home.
- Use aromatherapy to enhance your mood and refresh the atmosphere. Try diffusing oils into the air or using one of our Aromatherapy Room & Linen Mists.
Practise Gratitude
Although right now life can feel scary and uncertain for many of us, taking a few minutes every day to think about what we do have in our lives can really boost our moods. I like to do a gratitude practise when I first wake up in the morning and it really sets my mood up for the day. Think about your warm and comfortable home, the food you have in your fridge and those you love. If times are hard are you are struggling to find things to be grateful for, try starting with little things like the sunshine through the window or how soft the sheets on your bed feel.